EarthChem is pleased to announce the release of Geochron, an application that helps with the onerous task of data management for geochronological and thermochronological studies. Geochron was developed in collaboration with the EARTHTIME effort and worked with expert groups from the Ar-Ar, U-Pb, (U-Th)/He, and CRN communities to establish reporting requirements and XML schemas to be used for transferring data from reduction programs to database. Access to these programs is available at the Geochron website.
Users can now upload data and metadata to the Geochron system, or search data in Geochron by age, method, mineral, or location parameters. Enhancements to the search interface will be made in the near future. Geochron works with the System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR) to use the IGSN Unique Identifiers for samples. EarthChem, Geochron, and SESAR are all part of the IEDA community-based data facility funded by the National Science Foundation.