EarthChem offers multiple forms of discovery and access for its data holdings:
Earthchem Syntheses
Peer-reviewed literature data compilations
access chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical data from peer-reviewed literature
Decade Portal
explore volcanic data from the EarthChem Portal, Smithsonian Volcanism Program and more
EarthChem Portal
access to multiple geochemical data systems, maintained by EarthChem and others
Library of Experimental Phase Petrology
access data from experimental liquid-solid phase equilibria studies
User-submitted digital content from specific research focus areas
Raw (Replicate-Level) Clumped Isotope Data
Experimental Petrology
Trace Element Partitioning and Liquid-Solid Phase Equilibria Experiment Data
The Astromaterials Data Archive for Extraterrestrial Sample Data
Collection, Analysis and Correlation Recommendations for Tephra Studies
Funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF)