Experimental Petrology
The experimental petrology community aims to provide a transparent and accessible resource of experimental partitioning data for the community. It now includes the experimental trace element partitioning data from more than 5400 experiments, including the experimental conditions, and the major and trace element composition of the phases
LEPR is a database of results of published experimental studies involving liquid-solid phase equilibria relevant to natural magmatic systems. It is being compiled and made available to the community at this web site under support of the National Science Foundation. Data submitted to the EarthChem Library by the Experimental Petrology community will be reviewed by Roger Nielsen and Gokce Ustunisik for inclusion in LEPR.
Submission Guidelines
The following information is considered the minimum required metadata that should be provided with experimental petrology data upon submission to ECL, for reproducibility.
Having these metadata is also a requirement for the data to be added to LEPR.
- Citation where data is reported and interpreted
- Laboratory where analyses were performed
- Unique name for each experiment
- Run Temperature
- Pressure
- Time
- Device
- Capsule
- fO2
- Major element content for phases
- Trace element content for phases (not just partition coefficients)
- Error for each measurement
Additional recommended metadata includes but is not limited to:
- Images displaying location for analyses
- Individual analyses (not averages)
- Standards for each element
- Analytical error (counting statistics) for each measurement
- Detection limits for each element
Please review the EarthChem Library Policies and General Guidelines before submission for more information regarding the submission process.
LEPR/traceDs template
The traceDs template was designed to provide structure for the data we produce. The template includes a description of the type and form of the data present in the traceDs database. We recommend that users download the template and read the instructions and readme tab first. Once the basic content is clear, users can read the specific descriptions in the columns for the experimental conditions, liquid, and phase tabs. This will help in gaining an understanding of the data format before one attempts to process the mineral specific spreadsheets available below. The template is also suitable for datasets that can be incorporated in LEPR.
Contact us
For questions regarding how to use the template please contact:
Roger Nielsen
Gokce Ustunisik
For any questions regarding the submission process through the EarthChem Library, please contact info@earthchem.org.
Pre-compiled mineral spreadsheets
Using the traceDs template, we have compiled published experimental data on trace element partitioning. Each spreadsheet contains data for one specific mineral. Please read the description of the database in the traceDs template before you process the information in the spreadsheets.
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2019. Plagioclase/melt partition coefficient experiments. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/111284.
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2019. Orthopyroxene/melt partition coefficient experiments. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/111289.
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2022. Amphibole/melt partition coefficient experiments v.2 Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). http://doi.org/10.26022/IEDA/112324
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2022. Clinopyroxene/melt partition coefficient experiments v.2 Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). http://doi.org/10.26022/IEDA/112325
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2019. Olivine/melt partition coefficient experiments. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/111285.
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2019. Spinel/melt partition coefficient experiments. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/111287.
Nielsen, R., Ustunisik, G. 2022. Garnet/melt partition coefficient experiments v.2 Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). http://doi.org/10.26022/IEDA/112323
Tutorials and Outreach
- Submission guidelines workshop April 2021 ( view, download)
- Potential Consequences of the Compositional Distribution of Trace Element Partitioning Experiments (Tung et al., AGU Fall Meeting, 2018)
- traceDs: An accessible database of trace element partitioning experiments (Nielsen & Ghiorso, Goldschmidt workshop, 2016)
- What we have learned about the existing trace element partitioning data during the population phase of traceDs (AGU Fall Meeting, 2015)