EarthChem Communities
EarthChem strives to continuously align and optimize its data services in support of the evolving research needs and scientific priorities of its user community.
EarthChem recognizes that its user community is diverse because the data that it hosts and curates span many research fields in the Earth, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences. Geochemical, petrological, mineralogical, and other related data are acquired for many different scientific purposes, by a large variety of methods, and on different sample types.
EarthChem offers users a way to group and build communities around specific data types or scientific themes to develop and promote data best practices and enhance access to data for a specific research community.
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Collection, Analysis and Correlation Recommendations for Tephra Studies
Raw (Replicate-Level) Clumped Isotope Data
Experimental Petrology
Trace Element Partitioning and Liquid-Solid Phase Equilibria Experiment Data
The Astromaterials Data Archive for Extraterrestrial Sample Data
Funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF)